1. Golf
  2. Clubs
  3. Hybrids
  4. Ping Anser

Ping Anser Hybrid Golf Clubs

From: $40.00 - $59.70

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Ping Anser Hybrid Buying Guide

About Ping Anser Golf Hybrids

The Ping Anser is a timeless golf hybrid built for golfers seeking more forgiveness and an optimized center of gravity.

With 17-4 Stainless Steel construction for more forgiveness, progressive CG locations for an optimized center of gravity, and increased face area for increased hitting area, the Ping Anser golf hybrid provides exceptional performance.

ModelPriceBuilt For
Ping Anser$$$More forgiveness and an optimized center of gravity

Ping Anser - Key Features

  • 17-4 Stainless Steel construction for more forgiveness.
  • Progressive CG locations for an optimized center of gravity.
  • Increased face area for increased hitting area.

Ping Anser - Specs

17°58°40.75"D1TFC 800H Graphite
20°58.5°40.25"D1TFC 800H Graphite
23°59°39.75"D1TFC 800H Graphite
27°59.5°39.25"D1TFC 800H Graphite

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