Used but in good condition. Not sure the exact size. I am about 6 feet tall and this helmet is not able to fit in my head.
Perfect helmet for:
all active players between the ages of 11-14 and high school players as well
Overall feel
The Cascade CPX-R Lacrosse Helmet highlights Cascade's innovation for developing players. It features an adjustable SPRfit system for a customized fit and a "tail fin" design for better weight distribution and balance. This helmet offers improved protection and adjustability for youth and high school athletes.
This is a very light helmet and offers much less in terms of protection than the higher-end models. This is particularly relevant in head-to-head collisions. But an eight-year-old isn't getting hit by a 200-pounder, so they don't really need much heft in the helmet department. Should be noted, there's no sizing with the CPX-R. The helmet just has an adjustment feature at the base of the neck that you can pinch.
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