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  2. Hockey Goalie Gear
  3. Hockey Goalie Leg Pads
  4. TPS Summit 5 Hockey Goalie Leg Pads

Used 34" TPS Summit 5 Goalie Leg Pads


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CategoryHockey > Goalie > Goalie Leg Pads
BrandTPS Hockey Goalie Leg PadsTPS
ModelTPS Summit 5 Goalie Leg PadsSummit 5
Size 34"
Extension +1
Condition Used
Age Group Senior Hockey Goalie Leg PadsSenior
Color White Hockey Goalie Leg PadsWhite
Pro Stock Retail
Quantity1 available

Well used but still have plenty of play left in them. These are best suited for a hybrid goalie, I made the switch to complete butterfly style. There is some obvious wear, these pads have several leather straps with some velcro. The bottom leather straps on each pad have been wrapped with hockey tae as they started to wear over time. Plenty of knee stacks to add and remove for higher height. Removed old laces and use zip ties, simply cut the ties to remove. FYI: SidelineSwap only had the option to post these as Summit5, however all it says on my pads is Summit just to be clear. These pads have toe sliders, which are awesome. They have laces but you can easily switch to Pro Laces to get more flex versus regular skate laces. There is additional leg channel stacks to provide extra padding and more rise, I only use them a handful of times. There is also risers that can be added to lift the pads higher off the skates. I have also never used knee pads with these pads as they have built in thigh guards, but you can take them off if you prefer to use knee pads. Matching glove and blocker sold separately in another post.

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